Gym feedback 2024 February Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastHow often would you like to train in a week if you had an unlimited gym budget? *4x a week5x a week6x a week7x a week8 – 10 x a weekWhat would you like added to our new gym? eg, water fountain, timer, cycle machine? *What type of classes would like added to gym if any? *Would you be interested in seperate classes for beginners and advanced? *yesnoHow would you prefer to pay for your gym membership? *eftdebit ordercashcredit cardWould you be interested in purchasing healthy meals on a weekly basis? *yesnoSelect which classes you do not really NEED to have. *SwingBarreCardiofull bodyupper bodylower bodytorch1000boxing/mma conditioningwant them allWould you be interested in a weekly weigh in and goal setting session *yesnoAny other feedback or suggestions. *Submit